Monday, August 24, 2020

Odysseus: Epic Hero? :: Free Essay Writer

Odysseus: Epic Hero? The inquiry has been raised concerning whether Odysseus, the legend of Homers The Odyssey, is an epic saint. An epic Hero depicts numerous great properties, including being exceptionally solid and bold. Odysseus is an epic saint, since he depicts a significant number of these and different qualities, for example, having an objective that is chief in his brain, and having dropped into the black market. An epic saint is nearly overpowered with trouble, frequently past that which a typical man could withstand. Not exclusively is he stood up to every so often by risk or sadness; it is the whole reason of the sonnet. â€Å"Sing to me of the man, Muse, the man of exciting bends in the road driven on numerous occasions off base, when he had pillaged the blessed statures of Troy† (Fagles 77). This it the primary line of the entire sonnet, summarizing what will occur as the speaker goes to the Muses, goddesses of stories. There is truth be told, no other individual, anecdotal or something else, in the entirety of history, assaulted with trouble, as Odysseus. Ladies and goddesses frequently entice epic legends, and Odysseus is enticed as well. The goddess Circe is one of the numerous individuals who entice him, â€Å"Come, sheath your blade, gives up to bed together, mount my bed and blend in the enchantment work of adoration we’ll breed profound trust between us† (Fagl es 240). Despite the fact that Odysseus beds with her, he never dismisses his expectation of getting back home to his significant other, Penelope. A female character consistently helps an epic legend, and Odysseus is no special case. Close to the finish of his movements, Athena feels frustrated about him and chooses to help him and let him return home, and once he shows up, she encourages him execute the admirers that plague his home. â€Å"That left the incomparable Odysseus holding up in his corridor as Athena helped him plot the butcher of the suitors† (Fagles 390). Not exclusively is this help by a lady, and a definite indication of an epic legend, yet additionally a goddess helps him, and just those commendable enough can benefit from outside assistance by the Immortal. Odysseus is likewise supported and advised how to return home by the Goddess Circe. â€Å"You must make a trip down to the House Of The Dead and the great one, Persephone, there to counsel the apparition of Tiresias, diviner of Thebes† (Fagles 245). This is a similar individual who attempted to entice him, however she understands he wont remai n and chooses to help him.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

10 dudas resueltas sobre el ajuste de estatus

10 dudas resueltas sobre el ajuste de estatus El ajuste de estatus es un trmite que permite a los migrantes presentes en Estados Unidos solicitar y obtener la tarjeta de residencia permanente, tambiã ©n conocida como green card, sin necesidad de salir del paã ­s. Para completar este trmite del ajuste de estatus ,el migrante deber presentar, un formulario head, planillas de apoyo, documentaciã ³n de evidencia y, dependiendo del tipo de caso, pago de un arancel. Adems, puede ser necesaria una entrevista con un oficial migratorio, presentarse para la toma de datos biomã ©tricos y el envã ­o de documentaciã ³n adicional a peticiã ³n del Servicio de Inmigraciã ³n y Ciudadanã ­a (USCIS, por sus siglas en inglã ©s). El ajuste de estatus se diferencia del proceso consular como procedimiento para la obtenciã ³n de la green card en que en este à ºltimo el migrante debe estar fuera de los Estados Unidos y presentarse an una entrevista en una oficina consular estadounidense. Por su importancia migratoria, a continuaciã ³n se aclaran las principales dudas sobre el ajuste de estatus. Ajuste de estatus El ajuste de estatus es un proceso que permite a los migrantes obtener la tarjeta de residencia permanente sin salir de EE.UU. No todos los migrantes pueden ajustar su estatus.En la actualidad es un proceso largo â€o muy largo†y caro. Una de sus grandes ventajas es que evita las separaciones familiares y que el migrante en proceso de ajuste de estatus puede obtener un permiso de trabajo.  ¿Cules child las ventajas del ajuste de estatus? El ajuste de estatus brinda dos grandes ventajas para los migrantes. En preliminary lugar, permite que el proceso de adquirir la tarjeta de residencia permanente se desarrolle en su totalidad en Estados Unidos. Como consecuencia, el migrante se ahorra los gastos que generarã ­a la obligaciã ³n de salir del paã ­s para completar el proceso y podrã ­a obtener un permiso de trabajo mientras se tramita el ajuste. En segundo lugar, los migrantes indocumentados que cumplen los requisitos para ajustar su estatus evitan tener que salir del paã ­s para arreglar los papeles a travã ©s del proceso consular y asã ­ no activan el castigo de los tres y de los 10 aã ±os.  ¿Cules child los requisitos para el ajuste de estatus? Feed dos grandes requisitos. En groundwork lugar, calificar para sacar la tarjeta de residencia permanente por uno de los varios motivos establecidos por la ley. Child ejemplos comunes, pero no los à ºnicos, los siguientes: por peticiã ³n de recognizable por residente o ciudadano.por asilo o refugiadospor visa U (vã ­ctima violencia) o T (trfico humano)por visa K-1 de prometido de ciudadanopor patrocinio de una empresaemigrantes especialescubanos, en aplicaciã ³n de Ley de Ajuste Cubano, and so forth. En segundo lugar, es necesario, adems, calificar para beneficiarse del proceso de ajuste de estatus. Y es que no todos los migrantes que califican para la green card pueden beneficiarse del trmite del ajuste de estatus. Por ejemplo, no pueden ajustar su estatus, entre otros, los siguientes migrantes:cã ³nyuges y padres de ciudadanos que ingresaron ilegalmente an Estados Unidosfamiliares de residentes en situaciã ³n de indocumentadoscã ³nyuge de ciudadano que ingresã ³ con visa K-1 y se casã ³ con persona distinta a su patrocinadortitulares de visa J-1 o J-2 de intercambio que estn sujetos a la obligaciã ³n de residir fuera de EE.UU. por dos aà ±os.Otros casos. Cabe destacar que la ley permite excepciones a la regla general en ciertos casos, por ejemplo, para los migrantes que piden para sã ­ el beneficio de VAWA por violencia domã ©stica. Formulario para solicitar el ajuste de estatus El formulario del USCIS para el ajuste de estatus es el I-485. En los casos excepcionales en los que el migrante puede sacar la green card en aplicaciã ³n de la Secciã ³n 245(i) de la Ley de Naturalizaciã ³n y Ciudadanã ­a (INA, por sus siglas en inglã ©s), tambiã ©n deber completar el formulario I-485 Supplement A. Adems, se debern presentar otros formularios, como la Declaraciã ³n de sostenimiento econã ³mico (testimony of help, en inglã ©s), pero su naturaleza depende de la razã ³n por la que el migrante califica para sacar la green card. Cabe destacar que la mayorã ­a de los migrantes debern presentar una copia del I-94, registro de ingreso y de salida, para acreditar que entraron legalmente a los Estados Unidos. Asimismo, deber realizarse un examen mã ©dico. Conviene presentar tambiã ©n al mismo tiempo la solicitud de permiso de trabajo y la solicitud de permiso para viajar, conocido en inglã ©s como advance parole. Si se presentan conjuntamente con la peticiã ³n de ajuste de estatus no es necesario pagar una cuota a mayores por estos dos permisos. En otras palabras, la cuota est incluida en la de ajuste de estatus. Todos los documentos adjuntos que se presenten deben traducirse al idioma inglã ©s y certificarlo, si es que estn redactados en otra lengua.  ¿Cundo se presenta formulario I-485 ajuste de estatus? El momento en que se puede enviar el formulario para el ajuste de estatus depende de la razã ³n por la que el migrante saca la green card. En la mayorã ­a de los casos necesitar que exista una visa disponible para su categorã ­a. Por ejemplo, el cã ³nyuge de un residente permanente es categorã ­a F2A. No puede enviar los documentos para solicitar el ajuste mientras el boletã ­n de visas que publica todos los meses el Departamento de Estado no diga que ya feed visa disponible segã ºn la fecha de prioridad de la aplicaciã ³n del migrante. Sin ban, feed casos excepcionales en los que se puede presentar la solicitud de ajuste en el momento en que ya se solicita la green card. Por ejemplo, en el caso de peticiã ³n de cã ³nyuge, padres o hijos solteros menores de 21 aã ±os por parte un ciudadano estadounidense.  ¿Cul es el costo del formulario I-485? Pueden darse las siguientes situaciones: Menor de 14 aã ±os que aplica con al menos un ancestor: $750Menor de 14 aã ±os que no aplica con ningã ºn forebear: $1.140Migrantes entre 14 y 78 aã ±os de edad: $1.225, incluye servicio biomà ©tricoMigrantes de 79 aã ±os o ms: $1.140Migrantes admitidos an EE.UU. como refugiados: $0 Segã ºn las circunstancias, algunos migrantes podrã ­an calificar por un waiver para no pagar la tarifa. Sin ban, risks de solicitarlo es conveniente asesorarse con un abogado ya que podrã ­a dar lugar al rechazo de la peticiã ³n de ajuste de estatus por motivo de carga pã ºblica. Esta cuota se puede pagar mediante cash request, check individual o clerks check contra una cuenta en un banco de Estados Unidos o mediante tarjeta de crã ©dito. Para esto à ºltimo debe completarse el formulario G-1450. La tarifa no se regresa si el ajuste de estatus no es aprobado. Huellas digitales para ajuste de estatus Los migrantes entre 14 y 78 aã ±os recibirn una carta para que en un dã ­a y una hora determinada se presenten en un ACS para la toma de huellas digitales, fotografã ­as y para firmar que todo lo que han dicho en su solicitud de ajuste de estatus es verdad. USCIS puede negar el ajuste de estatus si el migrante no firma o si no se presenta en el ACS la fecha indicada y no solicitã ³ previamente un cambio de dã ­a y/o hora.  ¿Cunto se demora el ajuste de estatus? En la actualidad, el ajuste de estatus est sufriendo notables retrasos. Por ejemplo, el Centro de California se est demorando entre 8 meses y 43 meses y medio. El Centro de Texas, entre 14 y 41 meses. Entre los factores que explican la diferencia de tiempo en un mismo centro de USCIS pueden estar la necesidad de realizar entrevistas o no o la solicitud de documentaciã ³n adicional por parte de USCIS. Es posible verificar los retrasos medios en la pgina oficial de USCIS. En la casilla de Form, seleccionar I-485 y en la de Field Office o Service Center, elegir la del centro que estã © gestionando la aplicaciã ³n. Adems, existen diversos medios para contactar con USCIS para verificar el estatus del caso.  ¿Se puede trabajar/viajar mientras se espera por ajuste de estatus? Se puede trabajar una vez que se recibe el permiso de trabajo, a menos que se tenga ya uno emitido que continã ºa siendo vlido. No se deberã ­a viajar al extranjero sin tener en mano el advance parole aprobado, ya que el migrante se arriesga a que se le impida regresar an EE.UU. Incluso con ese permiso aprobado los migrantes en situaciã ³n de indocumentados deberã ­an consultar con un abogado risks de viajar. USCIS y negaciã ³n de ajuste de estatus Una peticiã ³n de ajuste de estatus puede ser negada porque se considera al migrante como inadmisible. En la actualidad, es conveniente tener en cuenta las nuevas directrices del gobierno sobre el problema llamado carga pã ºblica. Novios y esposos: consideraciones a tener en cuenta En el caso de relaciones familiares existe la tentaciã ³n de que el novio o cã ³nyuge extranjero ingrese an EE.UU. e intentar arreglar la situaciã ³n migratoria mediante la solicitud de un ajuste de estatus y asã ­ evitar una separaciã ³n larga, que es lo que sucede con las aplicaciones en las que se va a travã ©s del proceso consular. Sin ban, cabe destacar que sin darse cuenta se estã © cometiendo un fraude de ley, cuando el cã ³nyuge extranjero o el novio de un ciudadano estadounidense ingresa como turista con la intenciã ³n de quedarse en EE.UU. y solicitar una green card. Para evitar problemas de este tipo es conveniente tenerlo presente y dejar transcurrir un tiempo prudente desde el ingreso del cã ³nyuge o novio ex

Saturday, July 25, 2020

These Books About Social Media Influencers Are Better Than Instagram

These Books About Social Media Influencers Are Better Than Instagram The internet has changed the world in meaningful ways. It stands to reason that the internet would change our books too. And I dont just mean how we  read  them, either. Im talking about the literal content of our books, which is constantly shifting to capture current web culture. Lately,  Ive been interested in reading books about social media influencers. Particularly, fiction in which influencers are a central part of the narration, though nonfiction written by people who make a living on Instagram and YouTube is fascinating too. Here are 13 great reads that focus on social media influencers and their role in an ever-evolving society. Fiction About Social Media Influencers 1. The Circle by Dave Eggers If youre looking for an excuse to quit the internet and become a woods-dwelling hermit,  The Circle  is it. This is an absolutely chilling novel about a woman named Mae Holland who goes to work for a powerful (think: Google) Silicon Valley company that quickly takes over her life. And I mean, her entire  life.  Its all about the things we give up for the sake of convenience and digital connectivity. 2. Follow Me Back by A.V. Geiger Tessa Hart is agoraphobic, but on Twitter shes @TessaHeartsEric, one of the preeminent members of the fandom for pop star Eric Thorn. When one of her posts goes viral, she catches the object of her affections attention…however, maybe not for the reasons she hoped. There are mixed reviews on Amazon and Goodreads about the agoraphobia representation in this book, so maybe read a few reader responses before you dive in. 3. An Absolutely Remarkable Thing by Hank Green This is a thoroughly modern exploration of what it means to find viral fame on the internet. April May, a normal twentysomething with a corporate graphic design job, is first to discover and document a mysterious statue that appears on the streets of Manhattan. Her video catapults her to international notoriety literally overnight as these statues, dubbed the Carls, appear in cities all over the world. April has to balance her new reality as a public figure with the mystery of the Carls. 4. Dont Call Me Baby by Gwendolyn Heasley Mommy bloggers are endlessly fascinating and its about time we got some fiction about them. Imogene grew up in the spotlight thanks to her mother documenting every milestone on her popular parenting website. As a teenager, she finally gets the opportunity to tell her side of the story  thanks to a school project. 5. Surveys  by Natasha Stagg Like Hank Greens April May, the main character of  Surveys is a young woman who somewhat accidentally finds fame as an influencer. Like most young influencers, she moves to Los Angeles and falls in love. However, nothing quite goes according to plan. Its a satirical coming-of-age novel that sounds perfect for fans of the movie  Ingrid Goes West. 6. #FashionVictim by Amina Akhtar Akhtars debut novel is about a fashion editor with a to-die-for social media presence. Shes so eager to be on top of her game shes willing to do anything to get there. Described on the blurb as Dexter  meets  The Devil Wears Prada, this is a deliciously wild ride. 7. Eliza and Her Monsters by Francesca Zappia Shy Eliza Mirks is reserved at school and popular on the internet. Online, she illustrates the webcomic Monstrous Sea  for her millions of subscribers. Then Wallace Warland moves to town. He draws her out of her shell and threatens to upend the careful balance between Elizas two lives. The book also uses mixed-media to tell the story. 6. Snotgirl Vol. 1: Green Hair Dont Care by Bryan Lee OMalley and Leslie Hung The creator of  Scott Pilgrim  brings us this graphic novel about fashion blogger Lottie Person. Lee OMalley brilliantly parodies the stereotypical Los Angeles social media star lifestyle. Leslie Hungs gorgeous illustrations bring the story to life. Influencers lend themselves well to comic books. Both rely heavily on aesthetics, after all. Also, I love the gross title contrasted with the glam cover. 8. #Murdertrending by Gretchen McNeil This books takes place in a near-future world where public executions are once again a thing…on an app called The Postman. In other words, its a pretty grim take on social media mob mentality. 9. Internet Famous by Danika Stone The title is a little on-the-nose, but  Internet Famous  is a charming romance. Madison Nakama is a social media star whose flirtation with a commenter catches the attention of a relentless  troll. 11. Ripper  by Isabel Allende A modern take on Jack the Ripper featuring an online mystery game and a teenage detective? Sign me up! Its the perfect internet book for thriller fans. Non-fiction About Social Media Influencers 12. Capture Your Style by Aimee Song In Capture Your Style,  Song of Styles Aimee Song shows the work that goes into creating the perfect Instagram. She uses pictures from her own social media profiles to illustrate her photography, style, and editing tips. Youll learn how to take professional-quality images using only your iPhone and a few apps. 13.  Trick Mirror: Reflections on Self-Delusion  by Jia Tolentino This isnt about influencers the same way other books on this list are. But New Yorker  staff writer Jia Tolentino is an essential voice on the topic of internet culture. Several of these essays indeed do focus on the nightmare social internet, as the official blurb puts it, and how its changing us, for worse or for better. Happy scrolling!

Friday, May 22, 2020

Depression Is Not A Great Thing - 1091 Words

Depression is Not a Great Thing Depression, a serious epidemic in the nation, is a sickness that makes one feel sad or upset throughout the course of their daily lives. This illness called depression affects many people’s lives, does it not? This is here to analyze and explore how depression is one of many serious factors in society, why it’s important to know about, how it affects people, and what ways there are to help them. Depression, the most common form of mental illness known has taken over a quarter of the American population, ranging from teenagers to adults, it’s highly different from regular sadness which just goes through everyday life, and if left untreated, it could last a lifetime with people diagnosed and may never†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"Depression Symptoms and Warning Signs†.) Though, these specific symptoms vary from person to person. Those with depression, their illness do tend to get in the way in daily life, both for them and their families. Additionally, there is help and medications that can help a person cope with their illness. â€Å"The first step to getting appropriate treatment is to visit a doctor or a mental health specialist.†(National Institute of Mental Health. Depression.) As said before, there are medicines for depression and here’s some antidepressants to name a few, such as SSRIs, TCAs , Tetracyclics, Dopamine Reuptake Blocker, a nd MAOIs. If medicines don’t provide much help, then one can go to a mental health specialist as the next step for treatment. The first priority to check with their therapist is their connection with them. The right therapist for them will be caring and supportive. There is also talk therapy provided. It gives the depressed patient skills to prevent their illness from coming back. These treatments are available for anyone suffering from depression but most likely, the majority of people diagnosed won’t seek help. Even with

Friday, May 8, 2020

Troys Battle with Anger in August Wilsons Fences Essay

Troys Battle with Anger in August Wilsons Fences Conflicts and tensions between family members and friends are key elements in August Wilsons play, Fences. The main character, Troy Maxon, has struggled his whole life to be a responsible person and fulfill his duties in any role that he is meant to play. In turn, however, he has created conflict through his forbidding manner. The author illustrates how the effects of Troys stern upbringing cause him to pass along a legacy of bitterness and anger which creates tension and conflict in his relationships with his family. Troy?s relationship with his father was one, which produced much tension, and had a strong influence on Troy?s relationships with his loved ones as an†¦show more content†¦The members of the family that makes the most effort to keep the family level is Troy?s wife, Rose. The narrator tells us that Rose is a gentle woman. She cares a great deal for her family and her husband, despite the challenge of making her home a positive environment under the strains of a man with such impossible qualities. The author explains her reasons for enduring Troy by saying that ? her devotion to him stems from her recognition of the possibilities of her life without him: a succession of abusive men and their babies, a life of partying and running the streets, the Church, or aloneness with its attendant pain and frustration? (526; I, 1). In light of the fact that Troy is a good man and provides for their family in a way of his duty, Rose loves and supports him and ?either ignores or forgiv es his faults, only some of which she recognizes? (526; I, 1). Despite his love and respect for his wife, Troy acts extremely disrespectfully towards Rose. Due to the lack of love and respect that Troy was shown as a boy, he does not know feelings to his family. He talks down to his wife as if she were a child, while at the same time he declares his love for her to his friend, Bono. Troy?s fault, however, in declaring his love for his wife and family. He says, ?I love Rose? (555; II, 1), but when the time comes for him to show his love, he only disrespects her. When Rose asks Troy what he and Bono are talking about oneShow MoreRelatedEssay about Relationships, Racism, and Drama in August Wilsons Fences1722 Words   |  7 PagesIn August Wilson’s Fences, relationships were a big part of the story because every character had a different kind of relationship with each other. Troy had a relationship with every character in the play and it was not the same kind of relationship. T roy Have a complicated relationship with every character in the play because troy character is difficult and it cause conflicts with everyone character in Fences (Blumenthal). Troy has a personal relationship with his self and it was kind of a fictitious

Wednesday, May 6, 2020


string(138) " of each degree is cognitive, rhetorical issues of audience and intent are every bit appropriate and can be specified for any assignment\." The intent of this survey programme is to find if pupils from the simple degree of Hin Hua High School ( Chinese Independent School ) improved in their ability to compose in English after holding studied specifically developed course of study. The 7-hour remedial programme is to be conducted one time the academic section releases the concluding appraisal classs. Fifteen pupils with the lowest mark were selected utilizing the standard method to undergo the remedial programme. We will write a custom essay sample on REMEDIAL WRITING PROGRAMME FOR ELEMENTARY STUDENTS or any similar topic only for you Order Now the importance of all six major facets of composing measured in the English Test which comprises chiefly punctuation, grammar and use, sentence construction, scheme, organisation, and manner. It is believed by go toing the remedial programme selected pupils would be able to demo the ability to do and joint judgements by taking place on an issue or job. Besides prolonging a place by concentrating on the subject throughout the authorship. They are alson expected to develop a place by showing support or grounds utilizing specific inside informations and do illations based on support or grounds. Most significantly, they should be able to form and present thoughts in a logical manner by logically grouping and sequencing thoughts. Hence communicate clearly by utilizing linguistic communication efficaciously and by detecting the conventions of standard written English Introduction As a linguistic communication instructor, I frequently select composing undertakings from linguistic communication text editions to assist pupils better their authorship ability. Behaviorists, communicative, cognitive, and discourse theories could act upon composing attacks in linguistic communication text editions. Each theoretical model has provided us with a better apprehension of the multiple dimensions and intents of learning composing. A reappraisal of the developments in composing teaching method leads us to reason that we could learn composing as a agency to better lingual, rhetorical and communicative competency or as a find and cognitive procedure. The composing undertakings that we select from linguistic communication text editions and assign to pupils could reflect one or some of these pedagogical intents. As instructors, we need to oppugn and understand the pedagogical premises of text edition composing undertakings so that we can choose undertakings that will assist our pupils become confident authors and independent minds. Primary pupils come ining the secondary school degree ( high School ) are challenged non merely to larn new content in the subjects but besides to pass on this. A important figure of pupils will non hold equal academic literacy degrees to be able to make this successfully ( Jones and Bonanno, 1995 ( 1 ) . Atlhough traditionally pupils were expected to develop academic literacy accomplishments without any expressed instruction of these accomplishments, schools now recognize the progressively diverse backgrounds of their pupil populations and have put in topographic point mechanisms for assisting pupils develop their academic literacy. These have included the constitution of literacy and larning units every bit good as the demand for school course of study to turn to the instruction of composing accomplishments including communicating accomplishments. English Learning Centre of Hin Hua High School Klang, like other literacy and larning units, has been involved in a figure of collaborative undertakings with instructors involved in learning Junior One to incorporate the instruction of communicating accomplishments into the course of study ( Webb et al, 1995, Taylor and Drury, 1996 ) . These enterprises have resulted in the development of new learning stuffs and attacks every bit good as new patterns of appraisal and feedback. However, as capable country course of study are being adapted to computer-based signifiers of acquisition, it is besides necessary to see how the instruction of communicating accomplishments can be integrated into these plans or how the instruction of communicating accomplishments can be contextualized within the acquisition of capable country cognition. With the current demand for propheciuency in English Language great importance has been given to developing plans to transfuse good composing manners to the si mple scholars which aims to assist pupils go successful editors of their ain authorship. 1.1 LITERATURE REVIEW Writing accomplishments have been identified as to better pupils ‘ thought. Moffett and a few others have developed cognitively sequenced course of study for simple and secondary authorship, college composing, when it is sequenced at all, tends to trust on structural or rhetorical agreements, which are neither consecutive nor cumulative. Progressions from word to condemn to paragraph to theme confuse quantitative with qualitative growing, while rhetorical sequences confront pupils with cognitive jobs of different but equal complexness. In short, from a cognitive position, most writing direction in higher instruction is consistent with that in secondary instruction: what Stephen Judy described as â€Å" Advanced Hodgepodge † in high school gives manner to â€Å" Arrogant Hodgepodge † in college. A big and turning organic structure of research, nevertheless, shows that cognitive development follows a hierarchal sequence of phases and suggests that a course of study can be consecutive organized to advance cognitive development. Bloom ‘s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives provides some indispensable connexions between the cognitive abilities we expect of college pupils and a course of study that can excite those abilities Bloom ‘s Taxonomy is one solution to the cognitive odds and ends of the authorship course of study. It allows us to sequence direction and assignments in ways that speak straight to pupils ‘ developmental demands. From least to most complex, For composing direction the taxonomy provides a flexible theoretical account of what happens cognitively in the acquisition procedure Bloom described a six phase sequence: Knowledge, Comprehension, Application, Analysis, Synthesis, and Evaluation. ( See Figure 1 ) Figure 1.0 The flow chart of Bloom ‘s Taxonomy At each new degree, thought procedures construct on and embrace old degrees. Implicit in this construction is the premise of an go uping graduated table of trouble and fullness. Thinking at the comprehension degree is more demanding than at the cognition degree ; cognitive jobs necessitating synthesis or rating encompass all the preceding degrees. A reappraisal of Bloom ‘s definitions for each systematic degree suggests what such a cognitively-based authorship class might imply. Although the focal point of each degree is cognitive, rhetorical issues of audience and intent are every bit appropriate and can be specified for any assignment. You read "REMEDIAL WRITING PROGRAMME FOR ELEMENTARY STUDENTS" in category "Essay examples" Most of all, the taxonomy allows us to contemplate the value and feasibleness of a cognition-based course of study in composing. Such a course of study would reflect the hierarchal dealingss of the assorted idea procedures and would assist to command for cognitive complexness in authorship and believing about falsifying natural discourse. In this signifier, composing or writing-intensive classs would consistently develop pupils ‘ thought accomplishments instead than go forthing them to opportunity or, worse, blunting the author ‘s still-developing ability to research and show thoughts. In short, a cognition-based course of study ensures that pupils take part to the full in utilizing composing as a manner of acquisition. 2.0 INTENDED PURPOSE The remedial programme is targeted for the simple scholars who are in the procedure of upgrading their authorship accomplishments to the pre -intermediate degree. A sum of 15 pupils are selected from the age group of 13 old ages old based on the concluding semester scrutiny consequences. The scrutiny fundamentally structured in conformity to the text edition presently used in the school course of study, New Opportunities ( Pearson Longman-Cambridge ) . Basically the ( Stiggins to foreground achievement differences between and among pupils to bring forth a, 1994 ) . School systems might desire to sort pupils in this manner so that they can be heighten their competence degree even further. The major ground for utilizing a norm-referenced trial ( NRT ) is to sort pupils. NRTs are designed on reliable rank order of pupils across a continuum of accomplishment from high winners to low winners be decently placed in remedial or talented plans. These types of trials are besides used to assist instructors choice pupils for different ability degree reading or mathematics instructional groups. As the selected pupils fall under the below mean group in Paper 1 ( Writing Assessment ) whereby there are two parts that the had to finish here: Section A Notes Expansion and SECTION B Continuous Writing ( Choose one subject out of five given ) From the academic analysis it was found that bulk pupils failed in Section B where it consists of 25 % of the entire Markss of 40 % of the Writing paper. Thus they are required to go to a 7 hr remedial programme to better their authorship accomplishments by at least 85 % . FINAL Semester: Paper 1 RESULTS ( 40 % ) Name Class SECTION ( 15 % ) Section B ( 25 % ) 1 LIM WAI MENG ELEMENTARY 8 8 2 CAROLINE TAN ELEMENTARY 7 7 3 CHONG YOKE LAN ELEMENTARY 9 6 4 LIM CHEN PHANG ELEMENTARY 8 6 5 LEE AI VIN ELEMENTARY 8 7 6 SOO HUI YING ELEMENTARY 5 5 7 TAN KUI ROU ELEMENTARY 6 8 8. TEE WAN RU ELEMENTARY 5 9 9 NG JIA JI ELEMENTARY 9 7 10 LIM SHAO YI ELEMENTARY 9 4 11 KELVIN LAI ELEMENTARY 6 8 12 TAN MAY LI ELEMENTARY 8 8 13 TOO MEI LING ELEMENTARY 5 5 14 LIM TAI YONG ELEMENTARY 6 9 15 TEO JOYCELYN ELEMENTARY 7 6 3.0 PURPOSE OF REMEDIAL WRITING PROGRAMME The grounds for the remedial plan to be initiated is to break the scholars in their authorship accomplishments and beef up it so that they have all capablenesss to be promoted to the following degree but due to certain infinitesimal factors they fail to adhere to the criterions of the pre-intermediate degree. Therefore these pupils are carefully selected utilizing the standard method to undergo the 7 hr remedial programme. In order to bore and actuate these pupils in the remedial programme an enriching lesson program is formulated to make a positive result at the terminal of the the 7 hr remedial programme. The intents for stressing authorship accomplishments are to bring forth who can grok instruction and acquisition in a positive mental properties. There is a broad organic structure of research proposing that measuring pupils ‘ written public presentation is a valuable project. Not merely is an teacher able to assist a pupil ‘s advancement, but besides the teacher can ease the acquisition procedure and the acquisition results by being cognizant of pupil public presentation throughout the academic session. Undeniably, 3R accomplishments are of import and necessary in day-to-day life. They are besides needed to back up the development of a knowledge-based economic system. Acknowledging these demands, the school has initiated and implemented programmes to place pupils who have non mastered the 3Rs. These programmes are designed to specifically turn to and get the better of the inability of pupils to get the hang the 3Rs. This is in line with the essentialism which instills pupils with academic cognition and character development. Among the programmes that have been implemented in schools are the Early InterA ­vention Reading and Writing Class, Basic Skills for Reading, Writing and Counting Programme and the Literacy and Numeracy Programme at Level One. 3.1 Sub-skills of Writing Besides boring and enriching the remedial scholars with the nucleus authorship accomplishments, there are besides exposed to the importance of sub-skills in their acquisition such as: I Manipulating the book of the linguistic communication: script, spelling and punctuation. II Expressing grammatical [ syntactic and morphological ] relationships at the sentence degree III Expressing information or cognition in authorship: explicitly implicitly IV Enrichment of Vocabulary Part B 4.0 Aims of the 7-hour remedial programme The chief purpose in presenting and implementing the remedial programme peculiarly in the facet of composing accomplishments is to chiefly: to develop competences in composing accomplishments among scholars to travel from a teacher-centered didactic theoretical account to a student-centered constructivist theoretical account to get the ability to compose in a more clear, concise and acceptable mode 5.0 Instructional Design: Using the ADDIE Model to Construct Writing Competency Among Remedial Learners 5.1 Model The generic term for the five-phase instructional design theoretical account dwelling of Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation.A Each measure has an result that feeds into the following measure in the sequence.A There are likely over 100+ different fluctuations of the generic ADDIE theoretical account. Instructional design purpose for a scholar -centered instead than a traditional teacher-centered attack to direction, so that effectual acquisition can take topographic point. This means that every constituent of the direction is governed by the acquisition results, which have been determined after a thorough analysis of the scholars ‘ demands. This phases sometimes overlap and can be interrelated ; nevertheless they provide a dynamic, flexible guideline for developing effectual and efficient direction. 5.2 ADDIE ‘S Theory The ADDIE direction theoretical account for this desin is outlined by Smith and Ragan ( 1995 ) in their book entitiled Instructional design. The focal point is n 5 points Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation. From this theory the analysis has proved that there was a demand to carry on remedial programme for the simple low scorers where an opportunty was given to larn and develop basic essay composing accomplishments. 6.0 Remedial Education Programme In Malaysia, the importance of remedial instruction gained attending in the sixtiess. Consequences of a pilot undertaking in nine schools between 1967 and 1970 showed a demand for remedial instruction, particularly for students in rural countries. This paved the manner for remedial instruction programmes in primary schools. The innovators in the field attended a biennial intensive class on remedial instruction in the United Kingdom. Subsequently, a national series of seminars and workshops on remedial instruction were organized. With the exclusion of little schools or under-enrolled schools, every school is allocated one remedial instruction instructor. At the school degree, a Remedial Education Committee is formed, consisting the schoolmaster, remedial instruction instructor, category instructor, capable instructor, resource Centre coordinator, and other instructors as members. The debut of a new course of study for primary schools in 1983 implied a return to the rudimentss in instruction. The ultimate end was to guarantee that no student is illiterate by the twelvemonth 2000. The execution of the remedial instruction programme for kids in Primary 1-3 is to guarantee that they master the 3Rs. Childs who have been recommended for remedial instruction are required to go to remedial categories. As of 1999, 54,000 primary school kids have undergone the intercession programme. In add-on to bettering and heightening instructor development, the Malayan authorities besides works towards bettering the course of study at school to run into the altering demands of the economic system. During the Fourth Malaysia Plan, the primary school course of study was revised with the purpose of supplying and set uping a steadfast instruction in reading, authorship, and arithmetic. This led to the development of a new course of study stressing the 3Rs. Surveies looking at the returns to instruction in Malaysia have found positive consequences in those who have had some signifier of formal instruction, thereby supplying support to the authorities guidelines on the primary course of study which emphasizes the acquisition of basic skills.Education in Malaysia, altering really quickly reacting to the emerging focal point of womb-to-tomb acquisition ; the turning accent on larning ; as opposed to making and the development of the new bringing systems 6.1 The Educational, Philosophical and Psychological foundation Elementary instruction shall take to develop the religious, moral, mental and physical capablenesss of the kid, supply him with experiences in the democratic manner of life, and instill thoughts and attitude necessary for enlightened, loyal, unsloped and utile citizenship. To accomplish these aims, simple instruction course of study shall supply for the: ingraining of religious and civic values and the development of a good citizen based on an staying religion in God and echt love of state ; preparation of the immature citizen in his rights, responsibilities and duties in a democratic society for active engagement, in a progressive and productive place and community life ; development of basic understanding about Malayan civilization, the desirable tradition and virtuousnesss of our people as indispensable necessities in achieving national consciousness and solidarity ; instruction of basic wellness cognition and the formation of desirable wellness wonts and patterns ; development of functional literacy in English as basic tools for farther acquisition ; and acquisition of cardinal cognition, attitudes, wonts, and accomplishments in scientific discipline, civics, civilization, history, geographics, mathematics, humanistic disciplines, and place economic sciences and support instruction and their intelligent application in appropriate life state of affairss. The Elementary Basic Education Curriculum focuses on the tool larning countries for an equal development of competences for larning how to larn. A The end of Instructional design is to back up the cognitive procedures that result in acquisition ( McGriff ) . The expected result of instructional design is to supply cognition and accomplishments to people. The three major larning theories are Constructivism, Behaviorism, and Cognitive. Instructional Design is based on constructivist rules. Instructional design is associated with instructional systems development ( Leshin et al, 1992 ) . An Instructional System is the â€Å" agreement of resources and processs to advance acquisition † ( Berger and Kam ) . 6.2 Programme Design: ADDIE Model ADDIE is a all-purpose theoretical account, which can be used to make instructional merchandises and plan design. ADDIE is the acronym for Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement and Evaluate and summarizes the five stairss in the Instructional Design procedure. The instructional interior decorator makes determinations critical to guaranting the effectivity of the educational experience in each stage of the procedure. In conformity with the procedure betterment theoretical account, the five stages are a â€Å" cringle, † with the betterment of larning results as the end. Dick and Carey and Kemp ( Kemp,, 1998 ) expanded the ADDIE Model into nine elements. The Dick and Carey Model uses a Reductionist attack in interrupting direction down into smaller sections aiming bomber accomplishments. The scholar is required to maestro of bomber accomplishments, which are aggregated to accomplish overall accomplishment command and learned behaviour. It provides a systematic attack to curriculum and plan design. Teaching is basically a philosophical enterprise and hence educational activity can be conceived within the context of a doctrine or worldview. The curricukum refelects the art and trade of learning. Educational engineering can supply diverseness of believing sing course of study and direction which would be curriculum theorizing. 6.2.1 Analysis Basically the nature of the pupils whom the remedial programme to be conducted are pupils who learn English Language as a 2nd linguistic communication. They are originally from Chinese talking households with a minimal exposure to English Language. Due to the outlook of the school and the educational demands in adhering English as one of the nucleus topics in school these pupils are required to hold in deepness cognition and accomplishment in it. All of them have been educated in the Chinese primary school instruction system. Based on the concluding semester scrutiny consequences 15 pupils are selected to undergo remedial programme as they fall in the boundary line line instances.The pupils get hapless composing accomplishments, while being able to build sentences reasonably good, they seem to hold great trouble in forming and developing their thoughts into the signifier of an essay that has an debut, organic structure and decision. In order to advance these pupils to the following degree that is the pre-intermediate stage from their beginning simple degree the English Language Department found it critical for them to go to a 7-hour remedial programme in order to happen solution to this state of affairs. All of them need to foster develop their authorship accomplishments in term of coherence and coherency ; clip and pattern. 6.2.2 Design The chief design end for our programme would be on the cognitive schemes of being able to develop an thought for composing since all of them com e from a really similar background and have basic sentence composing accomplishments. Besides the development of linguistic communication in the mechanics of sentence building such as sentence structure, grammar, construction, etc given precedence. R.Gagne ( 1965 ) divided larning into 5 classs: Verbal or declaratory cognition, rational accomplishments, cognitive schemes, attitudes and psychomotor accomplishments. The acquisition ends are besides in connexion to these classs to seek to set educational value behind our ends. At the same clip the end besides reflects competencies lineations by Benjamin Bloom ( Bloom,1956 ) . These include: Knowledge, Conprehension, Application, Analysis, Synthesis an Evaluation. These give our ends cogency whereby competences are incorporated in conveying about concrete undertaking for scholars that we assign in order to accomplish their ends. Hence in the rating stage, we can utilize this facet to happen out the cogency and the achievement of the scholars in implementing the programme. Learning Goals and Type of Learning Aim Standard GAGNE ‘S DOMAIN BLOOM ‘S TAXANOMY Learners will place an essay subject and 3 sub-topics Standards established by Hin Hua High School, English Language Department Cognitive schemes Synthesis Learners will be able to compose a 3 paragraph essay with an debut, 2 bomber subjects to include their sentiments, thoughts and decision Standards established by Hin Hua High School, English Language Department Declaration Cognition Intellectual Skills Synthesis Evaluation Application Learners will be able to utilize the library and Handouts to research printed information on their subjects Standards established by Hin Hua High School, English Language Department Procedural cognition ( declaration cognition ) Cognition Learners will be able to utilize proper mechanics of grammar sentence structure Standards established by Hin Hua High School, English Language Department Intellectual Skills Application Learners will be able to show their subjects in category Standards established by Hin Hua High School, English Language Department Declaration cognition Comprehension 6.2.3 Development In order to set up a accessible remedial programme for the simple scholars, we English instructors have developed a remedial programme which will set about a 7 hr larning procedure. The instructors from the same degree have brainstormed and come up with a class content for the 7-hour instruction and larning programme. The instructors from the same instruction degree are the best individual to make the lesson as they deal with the same competence degree of pupils all the clip and are considered experts in their country. Besides this, they will be able to do he printed and computing machine stuffs and added measure of acquiring the right content for the degree. On top of that since they have already been learning in the same range so they will be doubtless familiar in the procedure of instruction and steering the scholars in order to do the remedial programme a success. 6.2.3. ( 1 ) Procedure The remedial programme would be in the English medium since the chief aim is to better composing accomplishments among simple scholars. The programme consists of 6 regular Sessionss and followed by a reappraisal and a trial twenty-four hours. Each hr is scheduled to be conducted for 60 proceedingss 6.2.4 Execution Further to the development to the development the instructors would be equipped with integral class content for he programme. The faculty would be prepared in balance with the clip frame allotted for the programme. Any instructor who is selected for this undertaking should be ready to set about the instruction procedure based on the strategy that has been prepared. Al cubic decimeter 15 pupils will be instructed to go to the programme for 7 hours. These are the assorted facet of execution emphasized in the learning procedure: 6.2.5 Evaluation The rating stage consists of two parts: formative and summational. Formative rating is present in each phase of the ADDIE procedure. Summational rating consists of trials designed for sphere specific criterion-related referenced points and supplying chances for feedback from the users. Chiefly the rating is done in two parts. The first stage will be the rating of pupil work based on the aims in the â€Å" Learning ends and type of larning † listed above. Students will be rated by their instructor based on the A, B, C, F standards set by the English Department. An Angstrom is first-class work, B is mean, and C will intend pupil demands betterment. An F would intend that pupil failed the composing appraisal with below 60 % of grade. Students will be evaluated at each phase of the class. The section will utilize this rating in order to happen out how they might necessitate to modify the programme in the hereafter. A summational rating will be conducted as outlined by Smith and Ragan ( 1999, p.352 ) . Those writers explain that in order to measure the effectivity, entreaty, and efficiency of direction, a aggregation, analysis and sum-up of informations on pupils ia indispensable. In our designed programme an test is built to entree pupils of their command on the abilities taught during the programme.Students are to demo their capablenesss in their apprehension and cognition taught to them by finishing the set of prep targeted to them. Students will be graded on from 1 to 5 for their abilities in each of the undermentioned subdivisions: Student name Student able to take a subject n sub-topics Student able to utilize press releases information Student able to finish the essay Score dated from 1 to 5 1: hapless 2: Able to understand the authorship construct with some counsel 3: Able to finish the undertaking with aid and support 4: Able to understand the construct and finish the undertaking separately A pre-test and post-test can mensurate how good learners achieved the larning aims. However, it normally takes more clip and attempt to mensurate things such as whether the scholars will utilize their preparation. This rating stage can widen for months. Upon completion of the programme the pupils ‘ feedback will be collected to further estimate the success of the programme. Questions are besides answered on a graduated table of 1 to 5. 1 is low and 5 is high. The standard inquiries constructed are as below: Were you satisfied with the content of this class? Were you able to understand the instructor ‘s account? Were you able to set into pattern elements that you learnt? Did you fond the class interesting? On a graduated table of 1 to 5, what is your general feeling about the class? Part C 7.0 REVIEWER ‘S COMMENTS Below is the sum-up of the feedback received from two of the Senior Teachers from the English Language Department of Hin Hua High School sing the 7hour remedial programme on composing accomplishments. Reviewer 1: Mdm Annaletchumy Reviewer 2: Ms Sastina The strengths and failings of the freshly developed Remedial Programme for Elementary Students Strengths 1. Learning by actively take parting in group treatment 2. Encouraging pupils to build their ain thoughts and cognition of the subject 3. Student-centered instead than teacher or subject-centered 4. Teaching assistance contributed to pupil ‘s visual image on the subject given 5. Suitable to student ‘s development degree 6. Group work enables pupils to self – express, to be self-assured and self- consciousness 7. Promote teacher to develop pupil ‘s originative thought abilities 8. Stressing the construct of group work and peer rating where no pupil Is left behind 9. Promoting the co-operation among pupils and instructor positively 10. Enables pupil to hold a positive mentality in originative authorship Failings 1. Unsuitability of activities for crowded room 2. Lack of stuffs used as assistance for pre-writing undertaking 3. Lack of instructor ‘s rating on the first stage of composing 4. Certain undertaking may take more clip than the planned clip 5. Peer rating on composing inappropriate attack for simple scholars 8.0 Summary of Review Summarized below are some of the achievements and challenges I personally went through in building the remedial programme: 8.1 Strengths 8.1.1 Improved pupils attitude and motive Students are mentally prepared to take part in the programme because pupils agree to a peculiar gait, work load, and larning environment from the beginning. 8.1.2 Making Learning Communities: Classs map as Teach communities both teacher and their pupils benefit – in both societal and academic countries – from working with each other over a full programme. 8.1.3 Extinguishing Stigma of Dependency: The construct group work and peer rating removed the stigma of being excessively dependent on the instructor Writing stuffs. 8.2 Failings 8.2.1 Students engagement Some scholars will non lend in due to the deficiency of involvement or proficiency 8.2.2 Stipulated Time The period allotted might non be sufficient for certain undertaking. Thus this will hold or sometimes disrupt the whole programme construction. 8.2.3 Truly in equal marker Some scholars will non adhere by the regulations set in equal marker when it comes to appraisal. Favoritisms and ego -centered will act upon the observation 9.0 Decision It is expected that by go toing this theoretical account of English remedial direction it will be good to low English winners. Students will derive well in grammar and vocabulary and they will besides bit by bit better in their overall English competency. Based on the remarks from the referees it can be concluded that scholars will be efficaciously better their English authorship accomplishments through the prepared class faculty for the remedial programme. A well-designed class will decidedly give them encouragement and support to promote their English proficiency and be prepared for the following degree, pre=intermediate. 10.0 PART D 7 HOUR LESSON PLAN REMEDIAL PROGRAMME – ENGLISH LANGUAGE Purposes: by the terminal of my lesson, pupils will be able to compose a full-length essay on Endangered Species and better their attack of composing schemes. Auxiliary purpose: pupils will be able to better their usage of associating words in controlled and less controlled authorship activities on Endangered Speciess Evidence: ( How will I know I have achieved the purpose? ) Students will be able to finish effect and short authorship scheme undertakings: Quizzes, Test Students will be able to finish their group presentation and compose a full length essay on Endangered Species. Materials: Course Content prepared by Elementary instructors from the English Department of Hin Hua High School, Klang. 1. New Opportunities Students Book ( Module 7- Endangered Species ) 2. Multimedia devices 3. Cultural consciousness Context: Endangered Speciess Anticipated Problems Solutions 1.Students have no cognition of Endangered Species Promote them to look at the exposure 2.Students are non able to do connexion with the subject Promote them to work in groups 3.Students find composing within the clip frame really demanding Set and maintain rigorous clip bounds 4. Students may non understand the right vocabulary use for the undertaking Pre-teach the vocabulary before pupils do the undertakings 5. Students may non be able to compose much about Endangered Speciess Get them to work in groups and portion thoughts. Premises 1. Some pupils have cognition of Endangered Species and hold read about them 2. Students have cognition of the extinction of animate beings. 3. Some pupils have had exposure through the media and cyberspace on the Endangered Species development. 4. Students have sufficient vocabulary to get down the authorship. 5. Students understand and use some linking words and sequence connections taught. Timing ( mins ) Phase name Procedure Purpose Interaction 30 Ice- Breaker Teacher sticks up assorted sorts of carnal images on the whiteboard and asks pupils to do a conjectures on animate beings of endangered species. T negotiations about the images and T proctors activity. T gets feedback on activity and writes a few conjectures on WB To warm up the category and to set up a game- like ambiance To research around the category, to be introduced to the subject of endangered species, bit by bit To interchange positions for their picks with grounds given T -S T – Second S – Second T – Second S – Second 30 Pre-writing ( a ) After feedback, T gives a presentation on several species of endangered animate beings and their characters and populating wonts utilizing PPT ( Giant Pandas, North China Tiger, African Elephant, Dolphin and Gorillas ) T prepares a cartridge holder of picture â€Å" ICE AGE † in order to steer the pupils to discourse on the grounds of people killing animate beings To set up context and to utilize scholar ‘s conventional cognition of the animate beings on the whole to unite it with the lesson ‘s subject T – Second T – Second 30 Pre-writing ( B ) I. After feedback, T gives each group a set of images of animate beings and asks them to place the endangered species. two. After feedback, T advises scholars to look at it complete and this clip, to happen out why are these animate beings in danger and the grounds for it. To advance group work to place the images, to work out context in groups and to trip bottom-up reading accomplishments To work out in context intent and audience, in groups and trip top-down reading accomplishments S – Second T – Second S – Second T – Second 30 Pre- Teaching Vocabulary After feedback, T holds the attending of Ss to the unknown word in the context ; T elicits their significance in context, utilizing mini- lexicon from the New Opportunities Students Book, To pre-teach unknown vocabulary, to work out its significance in context, utilizing the dictionary and to pattern emphasis, modulation and beat T – Second T – Second S – Second 30 Pre – Writing ( degree Celsius ) After feedback, T assigns two paragraphs for each group to work on, and hands out a wh-comprehension undertaking to finish for their paragraphs Ss are to come to the w/b and put the strips of paper one under the other To pattern reading accomplishments, such as scanning and reading for item To reorder the strips of paper on the w/b, to show it as a whole, and to utilize it as a springboard for the brainstorming session S -S T – Second S – Second 30 Brainstorming: T asks Ss to believe why some animate beings are endangered and ways of assisting the endangered animate beings T prepares a cartridge holder of picture â€Å" ICE AGE † in order to steer the pupils to discourse on the grounds of people killing animate beings During the activity, T goes about, proctors and provides aid where necessary. To trip their conventional cognition of the endangered animate beings, to unite their scheme to culturally targeted subjects All thoughts are to be brainstorm in their group for bring forthing bill of exchanges S – Second T – Second S – Second 60 While – Writing ( Rough Draft ) Peer rating Thymine informs them that they will hold to compose their ain thoughts down, in order they like on a piece of paper, -one group member will compose the bill of exchange and the others will give aid and counsel. During the activity, T goes around proctors and provides aid Ss exchange documents with the other squad and give remarks on each other ‘s work To compose a unsmooth bill of exchange, to choose thoughts and to set up a point of view To advance coaction amongst group members, to peer-evaluate, to offer support and counsel with written work S – Second S – Second 60 While – Writing ( First Draft ) Peer rating T advises S to rewrite the essay every bit good as select which thoughts will travel to each paragraph, in their squads T tells them that one of them will compose and the others will assist out After composing, T tells Ss to trade documents and give them to the other group to remarks To set up information, to construction the text ( White and Arndt 1991 ) To work collaboratively to accomplish an purpose To advance co-operation to accomplish a end, to peer evaluate, to react to the first bill of exchange and to give feedback on the content ( Raimes cited in Gaith 2002 ) T – Second T – Second S -S T – Second S -S 60 While – Writing ( Second Draft ) Editing T advises S to rewrite the bill of exchanges, much better, now, they ‘ve got the feedback from other groups After composing, T tells Ss to read out what they ‘ve written To better the accomplishment of authorship ( Charles 1990 ) To redact, to proof-read content S – Second T – Second 60 Post – Writing ( Finished Draft ) T advises Ss to get down their single authorship on the foolscap paper provided T gives Ss appraisal Markss based the authorship produced To show their pieces of complete authorship S – Second T – Second How to cite REMEDIAL WRITING PROGRAMME FOR ELEMENTARY STUDENTS, Essay examples

Monday, April 27, 2020

Productive members of society free essay sample

To be a productive member of society takes a lot of skill and commitment for some people. Some people never become productive members of society. For others, it can be quite natural. What I consider to be A productive member of society is someone who does something useful with their day. If they have a job, they are on time for that job and are there when they are supposed to be. If they’re a mother, they are being a productive member of society if they are taking their children to school, making sure they don’t go hungry, know right from wrong, etc. If they’re a student, they will be on time, do the work, and engage in their courses if they are A productive member of society. An amazing example of a productive member of society is my grandmother. She’s been a student, a mother, and worked for over thirty years. We will write a custom essay sample on Productive members of society or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page She has had many jobs at places such as women shelters, treatment centers, etc. My grandmother, Dorothy has two children and four grandchildren. I’m her oldest grandchild, my brother is her youngest grandchild and my grandfather passed away years ago. My Grandmother is one of sixteen children! So I have many relatives that I really enjoy spending time with. The Majority of my relatives are productive members of society, not all, but most of them. My grandmother is currently retired. She has paid her debt to society and I believe she is overall pretty happy with her life. She has struggled through abuse at a residential school as a child, and also struggled with addiction and breast cancer. Somehow she overcame all of it, my grandmother is such a strong woman, and for that, she is my hero.